Seeker... ah, but isn't that a resolution in itself?
individuals wife
JoinedPosts by individuals wife
New Years Resolutions
by individuals wife inwell, the year is nearly through and with christmas nearly upon us it will soon be time to be thinking about those new years resolutions.... anybody got any thoughts on this yet?
any vices to shed?
any habits to get rid of?
New Years Resolutions
by individuals wife inwell, the year is nearly through and with christmas nearly upon us it will soon be time to be thinking about those new years resolutions.... anybody got any thoughts on this yet?
any vices to shed?
any habits to get rid of?
individuals wife
Well, the year is nearly through and with Christmas nearly upon us it will soon be time to be thinking about those New Years Resolutions...
anybody got any thoughts on this yet? Any vices to shed? Any habits to get rid of? Any dreams to fulfill? Aims to achieve?I think my list will go as follows...
1. Do my assignments as soon as get them, not waiting till the night before and then doing them in a panic...
2. Pack myself off with a healthy lunchbox everyday instead of chocolate spread sandwiches, chocolate cake, chocolate biscuits, chocolate milk... you get the general idea....
3. Get my kids to eat more fruit, even if I have to bribe them...
4. Mend the broken light fitting in the bathroom so I dont have to bath in the dark (only been broken for about 6 months.. lol , the romantic appeal of bathing by candlelight does wear off eventually!
5. Dust off the old sewing machine that was once new... and work out how to use the damn thing at last!
6. Have more fun more often!!!!!!!
Anyone else got any plans for 2002?
I can't believe it!!
by Mulan ini can't believe i made jedi!
i never thought i would stick around to do 1000 posts.. amazing.. marilyn (a.k.a.
individuals wife
May I be one of the first to convey hearty congratulations to you! Looking forward to the next 1000!
by QUEENIE inwinter colds and flus apparently abound with everyone and so i would like to say get well soon and ((((warm hugs all around))) btw i was a jw for 40 yrs and a ex-jw now for 10 yrs..i would like to clarify that one thing..i have even developed a crush on one particular xjw (elder) and that can not be / me!!
i am going to give him a christmas present and see where it goes from there--god works in mysterious ways !!!
take care all
individuals wife
On the subject of colds and flu ..... anyone got any good remedies for them? Colds in particular? I've got a sore throat tonight and an awful feeling I have one on the way, just got over one two weeks ago too . Got lots of shifts to do next week and need a good remedy to get me through it. Nothing alcoholic though. Don't want to be drunk in control of a bedpan....
Sunday mornings........ I love them!!
by Mulan inmy friend just called me from her cell phone, and is out in service, sunday morning.
complaining like mad.
it's snowing here, and she is miserable.
individuals wife
What I enjoy doing is watching the JW family from across the road going off to their meeting looking oh-so-happy (heavy sarcasm there by the way) with kids in tow who would rather be out playing or watching tv (or even tidying their rooms for that matter...) and then I enjoy my Sunday morning pottering around and relaxing, plenty of coffee and choccie biccies, Sunday newspapers and colour supplements, coming here. And then I see them traipsing back from the hall and field service looking even happier (more sarcasm of course) and the kids looking very fed up. Boy, do I appreciate my Sundays now. And Tuesday evenings, and Thursday evenings, and every morning of the week when I would drag my heels on the ministry.... Never again.
And I've just realised that Xmas Day is on a Monday this year - there will be a lot of very pleased JWs this year then, they can have their roast dinner with all their trimmings (just because turkey is cheap this time of year and theres no work today... blah, blah, all the usual excuses for having a pseudo Xmas dinner!) and they can even have their 'present day', without having the day interrupted with a meeting!
Another Christmas confession.
by Mulan inlast week, i told about how i watched the christmas eve sky, for santa claus, after my parents became witnesses, thinking he just didn't come to our house anymore.. here is another thing i did.
all through school (my parents became dubs before i went to kindergarten) i participated in decorating the room for christmas.
i sang all the carols, and ate the goodies that were brought my the moms.
individuals wife
A sad observation made last week whilst waiting to collect children from school - all the JW parents were absent from the school gates on a number of occasions when Xmas activities were going on, carol service rehearsals, nativity rehearsals, decoration making, cake baking etc, a real shame that these poor kids miss out on so much fun. And all because their parents are mislead, my heart goes out to those kids. And to think you are only young once....
individuals wife
moman - brilliantly put, will print this out and put it somewhere for future reference when I hear that knock at the door......
Put in this way it is all so clear isn't it?! Thanks.
My Grandfather-hours from death; what 's next?
by ashitaka inmy mother called me and asked me to pick up my sister because my grandfather is going to pass away in a few hours.
i don't know why this is moving me so much, but it is.
it's like my history is passing away.
individuals wife
ashitaka - my thoughts are with you, I lost a grandfather just three weeks ago so I can understand and sympathise completely with the situation you are facing.
It is so strange when you lose someone, suddenly there is a gap in the family which can be so hard to come to terms with, I just try to console myself with the fact that I spent time with him just the day before he died and he always knew that he was loved, even though we never really told each other!
As for what happens next, I have no ideas. And for now I am happy to not know, maybe that will change when I am faced with my own end. For now I am content to just wait and see.
I hope all your memories of him will be happy ones and remember that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.
I just DA'ed myself
by disneycuty ini just sent disassociated letter to my congregation after spending 26 years of my life as a jehovah's witness.
i am a newbie to this chat forum and i am happy to be part of this forum.
let me tell you a little background about myself.
individuals wife
Just to add my best wishes also, and a big welcome. I da'd just over a year ago and I have never been happier, it was tough in the first few weeks, months even, but it is certainly worth the effort. Life is good - enjoy it!
early marriage
by concerned mama inin a previous post, some of you talked about your current age and number of years married.
subtract and voila, many of you married young, by which i mean before 20 years of age.
congrats to all of you couples, married long and short!
individuals wife
When I first met 'individual' I was only 4 days past my 13th birthday, we got married when I was 18, he was 25, 3 kids by the time I was 23..... and still very happily married 12 and a half years later. Love at first sight is real and it can last! Despite the JW influence!!